“How can I boost my business growth with in-person marketing?” - Jon Brooks E61

“How can I boost my business growth with in-person marketing?” - Jon Brooks E61
Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
“How can I boost my business growth with in-person marketing?” - Jon Brooks E61

Dec 31 2023 | 00:40:00

Episode 61 December 31, 2023 00:40:00

Show Notes

Ep61 - Jon Brooks is married to Jessica Craddock. Jon creates sculptural fireplace logs from steel but has always sold them as a side business. Because he has always had a day job, Jon has never had a lot of time to market this side gig in a way that would help it grow. Recently, Jon decided it was time to leave his day job and commit the additional time to implementing a fresh marketing plan for his side business in hopes of catapulting his success. With more time on his hands, Jon is excited to grow a business that lends itself to a completely different lifestyle of selling his art and doing things on his own terms. A new opportunity has presented itself for expanding sales, one that Jon is confident will be a launching point for his newly restructured business model. Listen in as we discuss a marketing plan to help Jon achieve the goals he has for his business and the future for our family. __________________________

>> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: https://theartistmarket.co/contact/

>> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco.


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