Offering affordable pricing can be a solid part of your strategy. - EP16

Offering affordable pricing can be a solid part of your strategy. - EP16
Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
Offering affordable pricing can be a solid part of your strategy. - EP16

Nov 06 2022 | 00:09:12

Episode 16 November 06, 2022 00:09:12

Show Notes


Do you feel like you need to have more affordable prices but know it would kill your business because you wouldn’t have enough money coming in.



Never fear. Having affordable art can be a solid part of your strategy.



I love to talk about growth and expansion and raising your prices, but there are still reasons why you might want to have affordable prices inside your strategy.



In this episode I cover three ways to incorporate affordable art into your business and still ensure that you can bring in enough money to hit your goals.




SHOW NOTES (including transcript)



Pricing blog post:



For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts to  [email protected]  



To sign up for 'The Sanity Roadmap for Selling More Art' workshop, click this link and enter your name and email address on the following page:


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